What we achieve

WP1 – Mediterranean Community of Practice on Wetland Contracts

A 1.1 – Start-Up activities and communication

A 1.2 – Set up of the Mediterranean Community of Practice on Wetland Contracts

A 1.3 – Creation of the virtual collaborative platform for the Community of Practice

A 1.4 – Identification of facts and figures of Wetland Contracts at the Mediterranean level

A 1.5 – Definition of the Policy Paper and advocacy at CE

WP2 – Exchange and transfer knowledge on Wetland Contract


A 2.1 – Capacity-building seminar to exchange and transfer knowledge, experiences, expertise and practices

A 2.2 – Exchanging practices and knowledge on wetland collaborative governance at local level

A 2.3 – Transferring Roadshows in Euro-MED region

A 2.4 – Trasferring Roadshows in South and Middle East Med region

A 2.5 – 1st Med Wetland Forum and Final Conference

A 2.6 – Monitoring project carbon footprint

A 2.7 – Coordination with TCP and IDP, and EuroMED Academy