
Lead Partner

Anatoliki S.A.

ANATOLIKI S.A. – Organization for Local Development was established as a Center for Human Resources Development and Strengthening of the Local Economy of the wider area of Eastern Thessaloniki, in May 1995.
The establishment of ANATOLIKI SA arose through the characteristics and growth rates of the area, where dynamic coexistence of all sectors of the economy and concentration of service activities of the Thessaloniki Urban Complex are identified.
ANATOLIKH S.A. operates in the following axes: environment and infrastructure, energy, sustainable mobility, local government technical support, environmental education, circular economy, sustainable tourism and promoting innovation and new technologies


The Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative (MedWet) is a regional intergovernmental network operating within the framework of the Ramsar Convention and involving also other key actors, dedicated to promoting and supporting multi-stakeholder’ policies and actions on the ground for the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of Mediterranean wetlands. MedWet is based on the collaborative effort of the 27 Mediterranean countries and entities, the Ramsar Secretariat, intergovernmental institutions, international NGOs and national institutions specialising in wetland issues.

Department of Architecture, Roma Tre University

The Department of Architecture is a medium sized school of Roma Tre University, based in Rome (Italy) with a prominent national and international profile. It carries out education and research activities regarding territories, cities and buildings, in all their humanistic, technical and scientific forms. The Department is committed to a multi-disciplinary and multi-scalar approach, to broaden audience and citizens’ participation. It carries out research on environmental and landscape quality, urban and regional planning, and collaborative governance addressing the relationship between existing historical and development programs, communication and involvement of civil society, management of territorial resources and environment.

Andalusian Federation of Towns and Provinces

The Andalusian Federation of Towns and Provinces (FAMP) is an association comprising Andalusian local bodies, including municipalities, provinces, and associations, which voluntarily join. Its primary goal is to defend and promote local autonomy in interactions with regional, national, and European administrations. FAMP also strives to preserve Andalusian culture, support socio-economic development, and uphold the values of Andalusia as an Autonomous Community, as recognized by the Constitution. The federation operates within the territory of Andalusia and boasts extensive experience in managing and participating in European projects, particularly those funded by the Interreg MED program and initiatives like ENI CBC MED.

Public institution Nature Park Vransko Jazero

The public institution Nature park Vransko Lake is an institution legally established in 1999 for the purpose of management of the protected areas protected under the National Nature protection act, but also Natura 2000 sites and Mediterranean wetland Ramsar area, through conservation, maintenance, and promotion of natural and cultural values. The public institution is managing species and habitats, facilitating scientific interdisciplinary research for the purpose of better understanding of the ecosystem functions and threats, designing management actions for nature conservation, interpreting scientific data, educating the public, organizing awareness-raising events and workshops and designing strategic documents – management plans with a participatory approach.

Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania

Established in 1991, the Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA) is Albania’s pioneering non-governmental environmental organization. Committed to prioritizing nature conservation in the country and the region, PPNEA engages in scientific research, community involvement, strategic partnerships, and collaboration with decision-making institutions. Focused on key areas like species conservation, biodiversity preservation, wildlife research, education, and institutional development, PPNEA’s core pillars include youth investment, innovative approaches, and fostering strategic alliances.

RCDI – Development and Innovation Network

RCDI – Development and Innovation Network is a not-for-profit association, based on a competence network of experts. Its mission is to promote and support sustainable development, covering, in particular the promotion of sustainability and innovation through advice and technical support to public and private organisations; the promotion of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, for a more inclusive society and the support to the management of natural resources, including the promotion of awareness raising actions and cooperation projects and initiatives, targeting citizens and institutions.