Media Kit
In this page you can find the official descriptions, logos and basic materials to communicate about WE GO COOP – improving WEtland GOvernance through a COmmunity Of Practice
To describe WE GO COOP, you can use one of the following:
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The Interreg Euro-MED WE GO COOP aims to set up a Community of Practice of Wetland Contracts and to enhance and transfer the Wetland Contract in the Euro-Med region.
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The Interreg Euro-MED WE GO COOP project promotes the implementation of Wetland Contracts, a multilevel collaborative governance tool tested in various EU-funded projects, fostering coordination between previously involved organizations and new key stakeholders. The project aims to establish a Community of Practice (CoP) among actors engaged in Environmental Contracts at the Mediterranean level, capitalizing on the outcomes of previous projects, sharing challenges and solutions. Meanwhile, the project will exchange experiences, methodologies, and strategies and transfer the tool to new contexts in the Euro-Mediterranean region and the Middle Eastern and Southern Mediterranean region. Transnational cooperation becomes the tool through which WE GO COOP forms the CoP uniting diverse perspectives facing similar challenges, enabling the project to meet the needs of wetlands on a large scale, ensuring the transferability of its results.