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First public presentation of WE GO COOP project


The first Interreg Euro-MED Natural Heritage Mission Summer School took place from 18th to 20th June in Piran (Slovenia) hosted by the Marine Biology Station.

The Summer School has been entirely dedicated to nature restoration, many experts from all around the Mediterranean gave their contributions and WE GO COOP partners had an active role in participating as lecturers and trainees.

In the first day, Giancarlo Gusmaroli from MedWet introduced the importance of wetlands and the main WE GO COOP goal to work for a Community of Practice (CoP).

In the second day, Romina D’Ascanio from the Department of Architecture of the Roma Tre University gave a lecture on collaborative governance, explaining the theoretical framework of the wetland contract at the basis of WE GO COOP.

And finally, in the third day, Xhemal Xherri from PPNEA presented their experience of restoration in transboundary area.